# Modules

Published 2024-08-31

# MapUtils

This module provides information about the closest item to the given coordinates. It will give the following data:

Dictionary Key Description
closestItem The closest item to the coordinates, can be either of type Road or PrefabItem
closestLane The closest lane to the coordinates, will be a list of points.
closestPoint The closest point to the coordinates on said lane.
closestDistance The distance to the closest point.
closestType The type of the closest item, can be either of type Road or PrefabItem
inBoundingBox All of the items that the coordinates is currently in the bounding box of.
closestLanes All the closest lanes of the items in the bounding box.
allPoints All the points of the items in the bounding box.

The run() function has the following inputs:

X coordinate of the item to check.

Y coordinate of the item to check.

Z coordinate of the item to check.

This is only meant to be used by the Map plugin, it already has access to the closest roads so the module doesn't need to calculate it again.

This is only meant to be used by the Map plugin, it already has access to the closest prefabs so the module doesn't need to calculate it again.

# Raycasting

This module provides a raycasting interface for the game. Just give it the X and Y screen coordinates and it will give you a position back.

The module will return a RaycastResponse object with the following data:

Response Variable Description
point The point in game space where the raycast hit.
distance The distance from the camera to the hit point.
relativePoint The point in game space where the raycast hit, but relative to the camera.

The run() function has the following inputs:

Screen X coordinate from the top left.

Screen Y coordinate from the top left.

# ScreenCapture

This module provides a simple ScreenCapture interface. It will automatically switch between windows_capture, bettercam and MSS depending on the PC it's running on.

The run() function has the following inputs:

This can be one of the following:

  • both
  • cropped
  • full

If the variable is not set, it will default to both.

If the variable is set to both, the run() function will return two np.arrays, first one is the cropped image, second one is the full image.
if the variable is set to cropped, the run() function will return only the cropped image.
if the variable is set to full, the run() function will return only the full image.

The module also has the following global variables:

Variable Name Description
monitor_x1 The top left corner of the cropped image.
monitor_y1 The top left corner of the cropped image.
monitor_x2 The bottom right corner of the cropped image.
monitor_y2 The bottom right corner of the cropped image.

# SDKController

This module provides an interface to perform controller actions in the game. We hook directly into SCS's controller API.
You use the module by doing the following in your code:

from ETS2LA.modules.SDKController.main import SDKController as Controller
from typing import cast

def Initialize():
    global SDKController
    SDKController = runner.modules.SDKController
    SDKController = cast(Controller, SDKController)

def plugin():
    SDKController.steering = 0.0 # You can set floats
    SDKController.wipers = True # You can also set bools

Please check the following page to see all the available variables:


# ShowImage

Will show a given image on the screen. Also supports showing overlays on top of said image (used by the Steering module to show the steering line).

The run() function has the following inputs:

The image to show.

The name that the window will be given.

The module also has the following global variables:

Variable Name Description
overlays A dictionary of overlays to show on top of the image.

Example of how to add an overlay:

image = np.zeros((1080, 1920, 3), np.uint8)
ShowImage.overlays["test_overlay"] = image

# Steering

This module provides an easy way to send steering input to the game. It also handles smoothness sensitivity etc...

The run() function has the following inputs:

The steering value to set, can also be None to reset the steering.

If the steering value should be sent to the game. (this can be used to enable / disable the steering)

If the steering line should be drawn with the ShowImage overlays

Whether the drawLine text should be drawn.

The module also has the following global variables:

Variable Name Description
SMOOTH_TIME The time the steering will be smoothed over. (default 0.1)
OFFSET General offset for the steering. (default 0.0)
SENSITIVITY The sensitivity of the steering. (default 1.0)
MAX_ANGLE The maximum angle the steering can be. (default 1.0)
IGNORE_SMOOTH If the steering should ignore any smoothing. (default False)
IGNORE_GAME If the steering should be sent to the game. (default False)

# TruckSimAPI

Provides information from the game. This module is required by basically all other modules and plugins.

root Description
sdkActive If the SDK is active.
placeHolder A placeholder for future data.
pause If the game is paused.
placeHolder2 A placeholder for future data.
time The current time in the game.
simulatedTime The simulated time in the game.
renderTime The last frame render time.
multiplayerTimeOffset The time offset for multiplayer.
scsValues Description
telemetryPluginRevision The revision of the telemetry plugin.
versionMajor The major version of the game.
versionMinor The minor version of the game.
game The name of the game. ETS2/ATS/unknown
telemetryVersionGameMajor The major version of the telemetry plugin.
telemetryVersionGameMinor The minor version of the telemetry plugin.
commonUI Description
timeAbs The absolute time in the game.
configUI Description
gears How many gears the truck has.
gearsReverse How many reverse gears the truck has.
retarderStepCount How many steps the retarder has.
truckWheelCount How many wheels the truck has.
selectorCount How many selectors the truck has. (no clue what this means btw)
timeAbsDelivered The absolute time the delivery was made. (no clue what this means also)
maxTrailerCount The maximum amount of trailers the truck can have.
unitCount How many units of cargo the current job has.
plannedDistanceKm The distance of the planned route in km.
truckUI Description
shifterSlot ?
retarderBrake ?
lightsAuxFront whether the front aux lights are on.
lightsAuxRoof whether the roof aux lights are on.
truckWheelSubstance Material of the wheels.
hshifterPosition The position of the hshifter.
hshifterBitmask No clue why this is here...
gameplayUI Description
jobDeliveredDeliveryTime The time the delivery was made.
jobStartingTime The time the job started.
jobFinishedTime The time the job finished.
commonInt Description
restStop ?
truckInt Description
gear The current gear of the truck.
gearDashboard The gear shown on the dashboard.
hshifterResulting The resulting hshifter position. (I guess)
commonFloat Description
scale I would assume this is the scale of the game map, for ETS2 that's 1/19 and for ATS it's 1/20.
configFloat Description
fuelCapacity The fuel capacity of the truck.
fuelWarningFactor The fuel warning factor, when the fuel is at this percentage the warning will show.
adblueCapacity The adblue capacity of the truck.
adblueWarningFactor The adblue warning factor, when the adblue is at this percentage the warning will show.
airPressureWarning The air pressure warning factor, when the air pressure is at this percentage the warning will show.
airPressureEmergency The air pressure emergency factor, when the air pressure is at this percentage the emergency warning will show.
oilPressureWarning The oil pressure warning factor, when the oil pressure is at this percentage the warning will show.
waterTemperatureWarning The water temperature warning factor, when the water temperature is at this percentage the warning will show.
batteryVoltageWarning The battery voltage warning factor, when the battery voltage is at this percentage the warning will show.
engineRpmMax The maximum RPM of the engine.
gearDifferential The current (?) gear differential.
cargoMass The mass of the cargo.
truckWheelRadius The radius of the wheels. (array of len(16))
gearRatiosForward The forward gear ratios. (array of len(24))
gearRatiosReverse The reverse gear ratios. (array of len(8))
unitMass The mass of one unit.
truckFloat Description
speed The speed of the truck. In m/s. For km/h multiply by 3.6. For mph multiply by 2.236936.
engineRpm The RPM of the engine.
userSteer The steering input of the user.
userThrottle The throttle input of the user.
userBrake The brake input of the user.
userClutch The clutch input of the user.
gameSteer The steering input of the game.
gameThrottle The throttle input of the game.
gameBrake The brake input of the game.
gameClutch The clutch input of the game.
cruiseControlSpeed The speed of the cruise control.
airPressure The air pressure of the truck.
brakeTemperature The temperature of the brakes.
fuel The amount of fuel. (%)
fuelAvgConsumption The average fuel consumption of the truck. Note that this is broken like 50% of the time.
fuelRange The range of the fuel in km.
adblue The current amount of adblue. (%)
oilPressure The current oil pressure
oilTemperature The current oil temperature
waterTemperature The current water temperature
batteryVoltage The current battery voltage
lightsDasboard ?
wearEngine The wear of the engine.
wearTransmission The wear of the transmission.
wearCabin The wear of the cabin.
wearChassis The wear of the chassis.
wearWheels The wear of the wheels.
truckOdometer The odometer of the truck.
routeDistance The distance left on the current route.
routeTime The time left on the current route.
speedLimit The current speed limit. In m/s. For km/h multiply by 3.6. For mph multiply by 2.236936.
truck_wheelSuspDeflection The suspension deflection of the wheels. (array of len(16))
truck_wheelVelocity The velocity of the wheels. (array of len(16))
truck_wheelSteering The steering of the wheels. (array of len(16))
truck_wheelRotation The rotation of the wheels. (array of len(16))
truck_wheelLift The lift of the wheels. (array of len(16))
truck_wheelLiftOffset The lift offset of the wheels. (array of len(16))
gameplayFloat Description
jobDeliveredCargoDamage The damage of the cargo.
jobDeliveredDistanceKm The distance of the delivery in km. For miles multiply by 0.621371.
refuelAmount The last refuel amount.
jobFloat Description
cargoDamage The damage of the cargo for the current job.
configBool Description
truckWheelSteerable If the wheels are steerable (array of len(16))
truckWheelSimulated If the wheels are simulated (array of len(16))
truckWheelPowered If the wheels are powered (array of len(16))
truckWheelLiftable If the wheels are liftable (array of len(16))
isCargoLoaded If the cargo is loaded.
specialJob If the job is special.
truckBool Description
parkBrake If the parking brake is on.
motorBrake If the motor brake is on.
airPressureWarning If the air pressure is below the warning level.
airPressureEmergency If the air pressure is below the emergency level.
fuelWarning If the fuel is below the warning level.
adblueWarning If the adblue is below the warning level.
oilPressureWarning If the oil pressure is below the warning level.
waterTemperatureWarning If the water temperature is above the warning level.
batteryVoltageWarning If the battery voltage is below the warning level.
electricEnabled If the electric is enabled.
engineEnabled If the engine is enabled.
wipers If the wipers are on.
blinkerLeftActive If the left blinker is active.
blinkerRightActive If the right blinker is active.
blinkerLeftOn If the left blinker is on (currently the light is enabled, this blinks with the light)
blinkerRightOn If the right blinker is on (currently the light is enabled, this blinks with the light)
lightsParking If the parking lights are on.
lightsBeamLow If the low beam lights are on.
lightsBeamHigh If the high beam lights are on.
lightsBeacon If the beacon lights are on.
lightsBrake If the brake lights are on.
lightsReverse If the reverse lights are on.
lightsHazard If the hazard lights are on.
cruiseControl If the cruise control is on.
truck_wheelOnGround If the wheels are on the ground. (array of len(16))
shifterToggle If the shifter is toggled.
differentialLock If the differential lock is on.
liftAxle If the axle is lifted.
liftAxleIndicator If the lift axle indicator is on.
trailerLiftAxle If the trailer axle is lifted.
trailerLiftAxleIndicator If the trailer lift axle indicator is on.
gameplayBool Description
jobDeliveredAutoparkUsed If the autopark was used for the delivery.
jobDeliveredAutoloadUsed If the autoload was used for the delivery.
configVector Description
cabinPositionX The X position of the cabin.
cabinPositionY The Y position of the cabin.
cabinPositionZ The Z position of the cabin.
headPositionX The X position of the head.
headPositionY The Y position of the head.
headPositionZ The Z position of the head.
truckHookPositionX The X position of the truck hook.
truckHookPositionY The Y position of the truck hook.
truckHookPositionZ The Z position of the truck hook.
truckWheelPositionX The X position of the wheels. (array of len(16))
truckWheelPositionY The Y position of the wheels. (array of len(16))
truckWheelPositionZ The Z position of the wheels. (array of len(16))
truckVector Description
lv_accelerationX The X linear acceleration of the truck.
lv_accelerationY The Y linear acceleration of the truck.
lv_accelerationZ The Z linear acceleration of the truck.
av_accelerationX The X angular acceleration of the truck.
av_accelerationY The Y angular acceleration of the truck.
av_accelerationZ The Z angular acceleration of the truck.
accelerationX The X acceleration of the truck.
accelerationY The Y acceleration of the truck.
accelerationZ The Z acceleration of the truck.
aa_accelerationX ?
aa_accelerationY ?
aa_accelerationZ ?
cabinAVX The X angular velocity of the cabin.
cabinAVY The Y angular velocity of the cabin.
cabinAVZ The Z angular velocity of the cabin.
cabinAAX ?
cabinAAY ?
cabinAAZ ?
headPlacement Description
cabinOffsetX The X offset of the cabin.
cabinOffsetY The Y offset of the cabin.
cabinOffsetZ The Z offset of the cabin.
cabinOffsetrotationX The X rotation offset of the cabin.
cabinOffsetrotationY The Y rotation offset of the cabin.
cabinOffsetrotationZ The Z rotation offset of the cabin.
headOffsetX The X offset of the head.
headOffsetY The Y offset of the head.
headOffsetZ The Z offset of the head.
headOffsetrotationX The X rotation offset of the head.
headOffsetrotationY The Y rotation offset of the head.
headOffsetrotationZ The Z rotation offset of the head.
truckPlacement Description
coordinateX The X coordinate of the truck.
coordinateY The Y coordinate of the truck.
coordinateZ The Z coordinate of the truck.
rotationX The X rotation of the truck.
rotationY The Y rotation of the truck.
rotationZ The Z rotation of the truck.
configString Description
truckBrandId The brand ID of the truck.
truckBrand The brand of the truck.
truckId The ID of the truck.
truckName The name of the truck.
cargoId The ID of the cargo.
cargo The name of the cargo.
cityDstId The ID of the destination city.
cityDst The name of the destination city.
compDstId The ID of the destination company.
compDst The name of the destination company.
citySrcId The ID of the source city.
citySrc The name of the source city.
compSrcId The ID of the source company.
compSrc The name of the source company.
shifterType The type of the shifter.
truckLicensePlate The license plate of the truck.
truckLicensePlateCountryId The country ID of the license plate.
truckLicensePlateCountry The country of the license plate.
jobMarket The job market.
gameplayString Description
fineOffence The fine offence.
ferrySourceName The name of the source ferry.
ferryTargetName The name of the target ferry.
ferrySourceId The ID of the source ferry.
ferryTargetId The ID of the target ferry.
trainSourceName The name of the source train.
trainTargetName The name of the target train.
trainSourceId The ID of the source train.
trainTargetId The ID of the target train.
configLongLong Description
jobIncome The income of the job.
gameplayLongLong Description
jobCancelledPenalty The penalty of the cancelled job.
jobDeliveredRevenue The revenue of the delivered job.
fineAmount The amount of the fine.
tollgatePayAmount The amount paid at the tollgate.
ferryPayAmount The amount paid at the ferry.
trainPayAmount The amount paid at the train.
specialBool Description
onJob If the player is on a job.
jobFinished If the job is finished.
jobDelivered If the job is delivered.
jobCancelled If the job is cancelled.
fined If the player is fined.
tollgate If the player is at a tollgate.
ferry If the player is at a ferry.
train If the player is at a train.
refuel If the player is refueling.
refuelPayed If the player has payed for the refuel.