Manual Translation
Introduction to V2.0 translation
Unlike the previous versions, 2.0 has native translation support. This is done using several different json files.
This file contains all the translation keys, the app will validate translation files against the contents of this file.
This file is important! It contains comments for some of the keys. You should always check this file for any comments before translating.
This file contains the base English translations. When translating use this as a reference point.
Language json file format
The name of the language in the language itself.
The name of the language in English.
The ISO code of the language. Use the 2 letter code (ISO 639-1 Code
The iso_code variables has to match the file name of the translation file.
If your language does not have a 2 letter ISO code then you may use what you wish.
For example zh-CN for Chinese (Simplified)
Caps locked comments are comments only visible to editors that use the json files. Usually they are just used to explain the structure of the file.
Comments that are capitalized in any other way are shown to users of the translation UI. They might contain comments from translators to each other.
This is how you actually translate. Just copy the key from keys.json and paste it, then add the translation.
Example file:
"name": "Suomi",
"name_en": "Finnish",
"iso_code": "fi",
"_GLOBALS": "Please leave a space here to seperate the different sections of the translations.",
"confirm": "Vahvista",
"cancel": "Peruuta",
"yes": "Kyllä",
"no": "Ei",
"continue": "Jatka",
"loading": "Ladataan...",
"success": "Onnistui",
"error": "Epäonnistui",
"done": "Valmis",
"set": "Asetettu",
"setting": "Asetetaan...",
"unknown": "Tuntematon",
"_BACKEND": "Please leave a space here to seperate the different sections of the translations.",
"main.errors_and_warnings": "Virheet ja varoitukset lokitiedostoissa:",
"main.errors": "Virheitä:",
"main.warnings": "Varoituksia:",
Translation process
- Go to the ETS2LA Discord server, then the #roles channel and press the button to get the translator role.
- Go to the #translations forum and find the post of the language you want to translate. If it doesn't exist, create a new post.
- If you are no the first person, then check with others on the current progress of the language (you can use
to ping everyone that has commented on the post).
- Copy the
file and rename it to your language's ISO code. - Change the
fields to match your language. - Start translating the keys. Make sure to check the comments.json file!
- If you didn't do so already, test the language in the app to make sure everything works.
- If you are not the only translator, I suggest asking for other people's opinions.
You can either change the language from the settings (once implemented) or the global.json file in root/code/app/ETS2LA/global.json
- Send the edited file in the discord forum of your own language. Then ping either DylDev or Tumppi066 to update the translations with your file.
Remember that our timezones are different, so we might not be able to update the translations immediately.
Translation Guidelines
Anything written here is overwritten by the comments.json file if there is a conflict.
- Be consistent! If you translate a word one way, keep it that way throughout the translation.
- Work with others! This is often a multi-person job, so make sure to communicate with the others to setup your own guidelines.
- Regarding this if you want me to pin a message in the post, then just ask!
- This is not a job! If you don't have time to translate immediately, that's fine. Most of the time there are others and if you are the only translator, then don't worry about it!
- Preserve special characters! If the English text has special characters (like
etc... or spaces at the start or end), make sure to keep them in the translation. - Do not add special characters! If the English text doesn't have special characters, don't add them.
We use variables in the translations to add dynamic content. They are written as {0}
, {1}
, {2}
etc... and are replaced with the actual content when the translation is used. You can see what the variables mean in the comments.json file, this file also often includes examples of how the translation would look in english.